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RUIDO! 7 01/04/09Phroq
Francisco Meirino (spanish born, 1975) first began recording in 1994 sometimes under the moniker Phroq sometimes under his own name. His music, a complex and constantly changing electronic soundscape, range from ultra dynamic electro-acoustic to sheer noise passages, is fascinating by it intensity and precision. He works mainly with the computer, contact microphones and acoustic devices. The music of F. Meirino explores the tension between programmed and accidental results. He released many recordings (cd’s, lp’s, cdr, tapes etc..) for labels such as : Entr’acte, Groundfault, Banned Productions, Even Stilte, Solpisism, Gameboy, 23 five etc... and his own label : Shiver Sounds. Francisco Meirino has shown his multimedia works at the Mostra d’Art Sonor I Visual in Barcelona, The Scenario Pubblico in Catania, the Standard-Deluxe art gallery in Lausanne. Performed live at festivals : Activating The Medium (San Francisco), Observatori (Spain), Akousma (Montreal), LUFF (Switzerland), Norberg (Sweden) and in cities such as : Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Paris, Marseille, Zurich, Genève, Lausanne, Rotterdam, Nijmegen, Cologne and many more... During this years Francisco Meirino has had the honour to perform & record with : Scott Arford, Dave Phillips, Randy HY Yau, Michael Gendreau, Astro, Lasse Marhaug, Zbigniew Karkowski, Cindy Van Acker, Tim Olive, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Mike Shiflet, Bob Bellerue, Goh Lee Kwang, Kazuya Ishigami, Guilty Connector and others... http://www.phroq.com/
Francisco Meirino (spanish born, 1975) first began recording in 1994 sometimes under the moniker Phroq sometimes under his own name. His music, a complex and constantly changing electronic soundscape, range from ultra dynamic electro-acoustic to sheer noise passages, is fascinating by it intensity and precision. He works mainly with the computer, contact microphones and acoustic devices. The music of F. Meirino explores the tension between programmed and accidental results. He released many recordings (cd’s, lp’s, cdr, tapes etc..) for labels such as : Entr’acte, Groundfault, Banned Productions, Even Stilte, Solpisism, Gameboy, 23 five etc... and his own label : Shiver Sounds. Francisco Meirino has shown his multimedia works at the Mostra d’Art Sonor I Visual in Barcelona, The Scenario Pubblico in Catania, the Standard-Deluxe art gallery in Lausanne. Performed live at festivals : Activating The Medium (San Francisco), Observatori (Spain), Akousma (Montreal), LUFF (Switzerland), Norberg (Sweden) and in cities such as : Tokyo, Osaka, Kobe, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Paris, Marseille, Zurich, Genève, Lausanne, Rotterdam, Nijmegen, Cologne and many more... During this years Francisco Meirino has had the honour to perform & record with : Scott Arford, Dave Phillips, Randy HY Yau, Michael Gendreau, Astro, Lasse Marhaug, Zbigniew Karkowski, Cindy Van Acker, Tim Olive, Kasper T. Toeplitz, Mike Shiflet, Bob Bellerue, Goh Lee Kwang, Kazuya Ishigami, Guilty Connector and others... http://www.phroq.com/
Durán Vázquez
Duran Vazquez was born in Vigo on 1979. Start to work at the beginning of 1998, using self-taught methods and without prior musical formation. In 2003 was released his first work, Pigua, Megapigua, published by Crónica Electrónica record label (Portugal). Also composed music for the shortfilm Paranoias from the Galicia Cinema School on 2003 and made, collaborating with Sumugan Sivanesan, the video Goebbels Pupils published by Crónica Electrónica and selected for contest by the 15º International Electronic Art Festival VIDEOBRASIL (Sao Paulo, 2005). He was between the selected ones of the first radio art contest En el Aire, of the Hablar en Arte association (Madrid, 2005). In 2006 returned to appear between the five selected of this contest with the piece Chernobil, mon amour! and was also between the artists selected by Hablar en Arte association for the In Sonora III and In Sonora IV soundart show (Madrid 2007 and 2008). The piece Terror Film for Radio was broadcasted by the RADIOZERO.PT as part of the biannual radio art festival RadiaLx 2008, in Lisbon. And his videoart piece Physikos, Aphysikos has been exhibited by Art Tech Media (Puerto de la Cruz of Tenerife 2008).
Duran Vazquez played at the Contemporary Art Museum of Vigo on 2003 and 2007; also in Sonar and LEM festivals (Barcelona 2004), Maus Hábitos club (Porto 2004), Fine Arts Faculty (Pontevedra 2005), NASA club (Santiago de Compostela 2006), Spanish Cultural Centre (Montevideo 2007), LIMb0 (Modern Art Museum, Buenos Aires 2007),Ruido! 6 (DF_Arte Contemporanea , Santiago de Compostela 2008), ArtEx Sonora (Contemporary Art Museum Unión Fenosa, A Coruña 2008), Club Le Larraskito (Bilbao 2008), Experimentaclub festival (Madrid 2008), Cervantes Institute (Berlin 2008), MEM festival (Bilbao 2008). http://www.myspace.com/durnvzquez
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