The DoLaB is a radical art collective committed to the expansion of mindsand the destruction of conventions.
Based in downtown Los Angeles,The Do LaB draws inspiration from the organic beauty of the Earth,and from the dazzling lights of its community . . . all of you. TheDo LaB's goal is to nurture the creative spark within us all, and tostrengthen the connections that bring us together.Most recently The Do LaB produced Lightning in a Bottle (LIB) a greenoutdoor art and music festival near Santa Barbara. A record 6,000people from all over the world attended the 4 day event. Shuttlestook people into the festival area, throughout which there weredozens of blank panels. The panels were transformed into murals, someright on the stages while the musicians played. The finished workswere auctioned off. The proceeds went to Sonic Muze, a non-profitorganization that purchases musical instruments and art supplies forschools.The forest vibrated to the beats of the Treehouse, Bamboo and Woogiestages. The Treehouse Stage was the steampunk junktification work ofmaster creator Shrine. He made it from discarded windows and cans andother trash. The Bamboo Stage was the creation of bamboo artisanGerard Minakawa and his crew. The Stanton Warriors, Kan 'Nal, HeliosJive, Yard Dogs Road Show and dozens of other bands played. CirqueBerzerk and Lucent Dossier performed high rope acts. A flat wire wasstrung out so people could try gymnastics themselves.People wandered with guitars and ukuleles and jammed in their campsand in the Orchid Lounge in the middle of the festival. Tai Chi andYoga people practiced and taught. One trail led out of the patcheswhere people camped to and along a river; another up a hill with aview of lake Cachuma. Abundant potable water was pumped, filtered anddispensed with just the right pressure from lots of easy to turnvalves. LIB was a leave no trace event with most of the wasterecycled. http://renownedart.com/digitalcolor/New Artwork in the GalleriesBruce Price, Derek McCrea, Josef Marsal, Gilbert Abric, JosephDiSipio, Kevin Barr and Robert Chami have added new artwork to theirgalleries. http://DigitalConsciousness.com/gallerylist.phtmlNew Contemporary ArtistsThe following artists were registered in the last month. To view thework of an artist enter the artist's name athttp://digitalconsciousness.com/
To see these most recent artists goto http://DigitalConsciousness.com/new/
1. Merovee. Digital hermetic art.
2. Marabeth Quin. Both an earthiness and otherworldly quality.
3. Glen Allen. Photography of artistic images.
4. Sean O'Shea. Paintings of movement and grace from Australia.
5. Yuri Podolin. Oil portraits from Belarus.
6. Carmen Luna. Collage from Spain.
7. Cris Acqua. Surrealism from Spain.
8. Corne Eksteen. Large scale oils exploring sexuality and spirituality.
9. Christian Demare. Photography from France.
10. Massimo Caria. Computerized cityscapes from Italy.
11. The Do LaB. A radical art collective.
Michele VincentMichele Vincent has an exhibition from May 27 to June 14, 2008entitled "The Fantastic Universe" at:Montserrat Contemporary Art Gallery547 W. 27th streetNew York, New York 10001http://www.montserratgallery.com/212-268-0088Gallery Hours : Tuesday - Saturday 12-6pm.Please join them at a champagne reception Thursday, May 29th, 2008from six to eight o'clock.
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